Archive 2012
Welcome to the Addiction and Art Website
2012 Home Page Archive
This page contains news items issued in 2012.
Addiction Art Concept. Recent scientific findings have proven addiction to be a disease of the brain, affecting both brain and behavior. Addiction Art has the potential to take this message to the masses, most of whom still consider addiction to be a "weakness" or "moral failing" worthy of punishment. It can convey the human experience of addiction in a way that can help the general public understand addiction as a preventable and treatable chronic disease. Artworks about addiction and recovery can stimulate dialogue, can teach, and at this crucial point in history, can support contemporary scientific research for our world's well-being.
Addiction Art Downloads. This site provides free images for download relating to addiction and recovery. These works are available for use by schools, drug treatment centers, community organizations, addiction science professionals, medical professionals and the general public. These images are generously donated by artists to be shared for the good of mankind.
Addiction Art Exhibitions. Over the past several years Addiction and Art Exhibitions have been held at both professional substance abuse conferences and in local communities. All of these exhibitions have been enormously well received and extremely successful. This site exists to promote the continuation of the Addiction and Art project through the sharing of past exhibitions, providing guidelines for future ones, and offering opportunities for communication and networking.
Addiction and Art Book. Inspiration for the site comes from the book, , Addiction and Art by Patricia B. Santora, Margaret L. Dowell ( editor), and Jack E. Henningfield.
The Johns Hopkins University Press has issued a discount for purchase of the Book.
Click here to download the discount PDF
News and Announcements
Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court
Holds 2nd Annual Art and Writing Extravaganza
Drug Court Participants
The show was held on November 14, 2012 at
the Judicial Center, Jury Assembly Room in
Saint Charles, IL.
Carrie Thomas, Coordinator, reports "The show was a great success and people were super inspired!"
She also sent a copy of the artwork (Below) described in a Kane County Cronicle News Article covering the show.

The artwork (above) is by Mr. Greg Grooms. The title is "Everytime I use... I break out in handcuffs!".
More Information is provided in shows web page HERE
AddictionAndArt.Org welcomes a new partner:
Three Santa Barbara parents founded SafeLaunch in 2010. The SafeLaunch mission is to prevent addiction by raising awareness that 6 out of 10 adolescents are susceptible to the disease of addiction when exposed. Data indicates that 90% of addiction begins in the teen years and that only 10% of addicts are able to maintain sobriety without relapse.
Based on this, SafeLaunch supporters believe:
- that prevention is an action and that the time to act is now.
- in the power of the creative student voice to spread this message.
- that incentives are more effective than punishment for changing attitudes and behavior. art
- has the power to transform lives.
Safely launching students takes a team of support. If you would like to be a part of our team, please go to
In May 2012 SafeLaunch sponsored an "Addiction and Hope" Art Show.
To download a PDF with information about SafeLaunch click HERE. welcomes SafeLaunch to the battle against Addiction.
Addiction and Art Show at IntNSA Conference a Success!
October 12, 2012: A full report about the show
has been added to the
Shows Archive.
An Addiction and Art Exhibition was held during the Annual Education Conference of the International Nurses Society on Addiction (September 5-8, Madison Hotel, Washington, DC). Pictured above (left to right) are Elizabeth Pace, IntNSA Treasurer; Colleen Corte, IntNSA Conference Chair, Margaret Dowell, Editor:; Deb Finnell, IntNSA President and Don Dunsmore, Webmaster: More information about IntNSA and the conference may be found here:

Conference attendees voted for their favorite artworks. Standing, starting 2nd from the left - Gloria Valdes (tied- 3rd prize), Margaret Dowell (Show curator), Sonia Gadra (1st prize), Karen Swenholt (tied - 3rd prize) and Erich March (2nd prize).
"Art Uniting People"
a Success!
Alexandria, Virginia's Mental Health Anti-Stigma Campaign included the 2012 Art Exhibit "Art Uniting People: A Celebration of Creativity and Mental Health". The exhibition opened on May 10, 2012 with several hundred people in attendance. Guest speaker for the event was Dr. Margaret Dowell, www.AddictionAndArt.Org Editor. The purpose of the exhibition was to provide the opportunity to use art as a form of expression in order to engage the Alexandria community in conversation about mental health issues, including substance abuse. Artists were invited to submit art work and share the inspiration behind their art pieces and some of their personal stories to create a powerful and unique viewing experience for visitors to the exhibition.
The Lee Center is located at 1108 Jefferson Street in Alexandria, VA, The exhibition runs through September 1, 2012.
Metapsychology Online Reviews
Addiction and Art Book
Review by Christian Perring
Feb 28th 2012 (Volume 16, Issue 9)
We are proud to report that the Metapsychology Online Reviews website, which concentrates on reviewing books related to behavioral healthcare, is featuring a review of the book, Addiction and Art.
The review, written by Christian Perring, Professor of Philosophy, Dowling College, New York, opens with the content and purpose of the book. Professor Perring goes on to also discuss the relationship and interplay between Addiction and Art, the book, and the Addiction and Art website.
To see his report in it's entirety, click on the link:
Michigan Association of Drug Court Professionals Annual Conference Presents:
The Art of Recovery
Kellogg Conference Center, East Lansing, Michigan
March 13 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Plenary Session: The Art of Recovery: The Role of the Arts in Accomplishing Long Term Recovery, Dr. Jack Henningfield, PhD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Dr. Margaret Dowell, PhD, College of Southern MD.
This session will address the most recent research on drug abuse and addiction with illustrations and insights from artists, to show how art can compliment science in more fully understanding the human dimensions of addiction and the struggles of those so afflicted. The emerging role of art as a powerful force in fostering an environment and society more supportive of recovery will be addressed. An artist’s perspective on the challenges and opportunities of using art as both a tool to understand addiction as well as a beautiful and uplifting process in its own right will be presented along with highlights of nationwide efforts and sample techniques on utilizing art in meaningful dialogue about addiction and recovery.
More conference Information:
Editor's Addendum:
On March 13, 2012 Dr Jack Henningfield and Dr. Margaret Dowell delivered the Plenary address to over 600 conference attendees. Feedback from the conferees was positive.

(in photo left to right) Jack Henningfield, PhD (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine), Judge Michael J. Haley (Sobriety Court and Former President, Michigan Association of Drug Court Professionals) and Margaret Dowell, PhD (College of Southern Maryland).
Michigan Association of Drug Court Professionals
Publishes Conference Video Report and Photo Report
Including the Addiction and Art Plenary Address
by Dr Jack Henningfield and Dr Margaret Dowell
Link to the Conference Web page and the Henningfield/Dowell Addiction and Art Video:
(Third video on the page)
Addiction and Art Topic
presented at this year's
National Art Education Association's National Convention
New York City
March 3, 2012

Margaret Dowell, PhD (College of Southern Maryland), Amanda Alders, MS (Florida State University), and Viki Wylder, PhD (Florida State University) at the National Art Education Association's National Convention in New York City, March 3, 2012.
The team presented "Art and Addiction: A Curriculum for Appropriately Addressing Addiction Through Art" to 50 art educators. They also discussed how addiction and art theme exhibitions can help to create personal and community dialog about addiction. Information about the Curriculum Guidelines (K-12) can be obtained at curriculum.html.
Presentations by Dowell, Alders and Wylder included:
- Key Points:
- - Addiction And Art Concept
- - Development of a K-12 Curriculum Guidebook
- - Exhibitions about Addiction and Art
- Theoretical Underpinnings:
- - Art to communicate/facilitate education of addiction
- - Social change and real-world art education approach
- - Supplements for Red Ribbon Week/DARE Program
Addiction Related Work reviewed in December, 2011
issue of American Contemporary Art Magazine
An addiction related artwork was recently reviewed in American Contemporary Art Magazine as part of an article by F. Lennox Campello about the Washington DC art scene. "The Sidi Flowchart" by Dr Margaret Dowell (our www.AddictionAndArt.Org editor) was part of an Addiction and Art show at the Frederick, MD Artomatic this fall. Read the comments from Campello about the Artomatic show and Dowell's work at: (page 16). F. Lennox Campello is an art critic, consultant, dealer, artist and the force behind, one of the country's most popular art blogs.